As the SMMG Club grows bigger, so does our pocket size too. My PAs were doing a great job of feeding important yet accurate SMSes to all my students who signed up for their service. Superb calls were made from ThBev, Geo Energy, Vard, Biosensor, Mirach, YHM, Noble, etc, there was just simply too many to remember. So after a great week after my last students only seminar, we were all banking in $$ from the stock market.
Yesterday, I received hell lot of SMSes from Happy Teachers today to Thank You messages from students. There were just too many and above are just snippets. I am very surprise students wishing me teachers day because ain't it supposed to be for children who wishes their teachers??? LOL!! All the money we made from the calls were just simply amazing because it was precision timing with less emotion. So what's up next week? What will I do next week? I am planning to do some crazy stuff but it depends on room availability. I will check and update here on the blog. Stay tuned!
Ronald K - Market Psychologist - The Big Speculator