Monday, April 30, 2018

Thai Beverage - LIVE Trading with Ronald K

Conducted a LIVE Trading today and the market is pretty boring. Nothing really moves besides the bank and some other blue chips like Capitaland and some others. I am pleased that everyone brought their laptop and take this trading seriously. The market for the whole morning was very quiet as the STI gap up and suffer some mini profit first before starting to move higher. As it moved higher, the banks started to moved while other blue chips started to follow a little bit.

At that moment, I saw ThaiBev was not in the Top Volume but was with collections in the minute chart and hence we decided to trade this counter. Longed 0.86 and sold at 0.87 since it reached the supply zone in the minute chart. Small $ but better than now back to 0.86 again!

I was pleased that everyone in the group made $. Although not a very good trade, still the commission is low and profits was ok. I hope to do another better trade but I need the market to come in order to find another stock. So instead of trading more stocks, I shared many other things like position sizing and Dow trading strategies in order not to waste time and opportunities. See you guys soon again.

Ronald K - Market Psychologist - A Stock Market Opportunist