Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Dow Jones - LIVE Trading with Ronald K Part 9

Traded Dow Jones last evening with the group and it was an easy night at first but later turned tough. It was the right shorting outlook but did not get the job done at the start but managed to go long near the demand zone for a good short swing. The market wasn't tough last evening but rather choppy and it's just trading within the range. Traded only 1 round and moved on as I could not predict what's going to happen next. In the end, we ended the session early and went supper but it was during the supper session that we made some good profits. As the Dow Jones was in a choppy mode, it's wise to scalp and trade within intraday then to swing, at least that's my game plan for now. Congrats to all for the small win yesterday.

Ronald K - Market Psychologist - A Stock Market Opportunist