Friday, January 25, 2013

Innopac - A Day Before The Massacre

It was a close shave yesterday in the SMMG Club. I was looking at all the student's posts and one caught my attention, Innopac. As you can see from the message above, a student was looking to long and I said no because it looked really weak yesterday. Coincidentally, a friend of mine told me that UOB KayHian placed Innopac into the restricted list yesterday after market close. Normally, when a stock is place in the restricted list, it is because it was manipulated by the BBs and I believed the BBs had shorted enough at the top to cause a gap down today.

To all my fellow students, we all know what to do when a gap down happens right? So please don't do silly things when everyone is doing the same thing. Look at the 5min chart in Innopac, when it gap down, the BBs were hurriedly rushing to cover shorts so that they can book profits which contributed to the rebound now. As for why I know Innopac was to tank down yesterday? It was because I saw some flushing at the top. It's a common trick that the BBs used to do before allowing the stock to have a free fall.

The SMMG Club is definitely one of it's kind. It saves you from losing unnecessary money by doing the wrong thing and moreover, it is a knowledge sharing club where all students post their charts and calls so I can verify and rectify. Of course, some days, I give my calls there too so that students can act on it and make $. There is another stock that is on the restricted list which I am watching closely. Interested parties can come for the preview and I shall share more there. It's too sensitive to post here. Thanks to those who registered! Thank you!


Preview Date: 

30th January 2013, Time: 7.00pm to 8.30pm
Venue: City Index Asia Pte Ltd
6 Battery Road
Singapore 049909
(Next to Raffles Place MRT Station)

Contact Gill at with the following details.

Subject: Attending Ronald K "The Stock Operation Preview"

Contents: Name, e-mail address and mobile number. 

Ronald K - Market Psychologist - The Big Speculator