Last evening was an all fruitful yet enriching night. What? Because not only I bought more Visvim stuff, I had an enjoyable session with all my students, chatting and sharing ideas and experience with them. I want to thank all students who opened accounts with us and we will do our best to serve all of you. My PAs will do the ground work and I shall assist and guide all of you.
So before meeting my students, I went to shop for clothes and yes I finally got my Visvim Albacore patch work. I spent $865 on it because of the quality, craftsmanship, effort and hardwork that the designer used to execute this piece. So after spending $865, I was determined once again to get SGX to pay for my expense. Thereafter I went to meet all my students, shared my experience, market outlooks and having chit chat sessions with all of them. Finally everything ended at 10pm and it's time to hang out with my old time friend.
We went McDonalds for supper and so he was a very hesitant person when it comes to trading. To try and help him overcome his fear and hesitant, I executed 3 trades of 50 contracts each of Wall Street in front of him and we started trading together for a short while. I made about $560 in a few minutes which almost covered 3/4 of my expenses on my shirt. So will I cover all the expenses on my shirt soon? Which counters am I watching next? What will I do, long/short? Stay tune! Today students made $$ on Capitaland and Super Group, that's all it matters!! Congrats!
Ronald K - Market Psychologist - The Big Speculator