Sunday, August 24, 2014

Sunvic - Demised on Ex-Chairman After Trading Halt

On August 18th, I called for a short term reactions and a little sell down before we see Sunvic resuming it's uptrend. At that point of time, the high for Sunvic was 0.575. I also highlighted in bold the final statement of my blog post as per below:

In the near term, it's going to come down a bit first before resuming it's up wave. I am watching a good timing for my entry. :)

Last Friday, August 22nd, Sunvic continued it's deep to a low of 0.515 before it went trading halt followed by a sad news, The Founder and Ex Chairman had just passed away. :( It was indeed a really sad and disheartened news. Before the trading halt and the Ex CEO passed away news, all these was already predicted LIVE on my public blog on August 18th, 8:27pm when I made a forward prescient prediction that prices was going to come down a little. Me personally has no connection to any chairman or directors in Sunvic, but from the charts, I could see the news and the reaction in prices before it happened!

And the best part was after that reaction in prices, I also gave a succinct statement to say that it shall resumed it's up wave after prices had came down a little. Now the Ex CEO passed away and prices should not have recovered and rebound. How come did it rebound instead? What did I see ahead and what did I read from the minds of the BBs to know such phenomenon would materialized? Was that trading halt some sort of conspiracy? Was Sunvic climb to Top Volume at the end of day happened by chance? I will answer all these question and give an answer on Tuesday's preview.

Preview Date: 26th August 2014, Time: 7.00pm to 8.30pm
Venue: I will instruct you in the form of email

Contact Ronald K at with the following details.

Subject: Attending Ronald K "The Stock Operation Preview"
Contents: Name, e-mail address and mobile number.

Ronald K - Market Psychologist - The Big Speculator