Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Spackman - Cut Loss

Longed Spackman 1000 Lots on July 4th and cut loss on the same day with a 1 pip loss since the stock was jammed and couldn't move further after 4pm.


When I longed in the morning on July 4th, it looked as though there was some momentum of buyers coming in to support the stock but all of a sudden, the buy Q depleted and the sell Q swelled tremendously where I decided to just take a 1 pip loss and move on. Although the chart is still at the bottom but as per what I posted on July 4th, I said that this was a risky stock while I was only looking for a scalp trade and should anything turned sour, I was ready to cut a small one. So here it is, a loss. :)

Ronald K - Market Psychologist - A Stock Market Opportunist