It was a fun evening and as usual, it was quite impromptu last minute meeting where everyone in my network came for my LIVE Trading session and start making $$ together. We scanned many stocks before market started and narrowed down to only 2 instruments. Some traders traded Tesla and made a quick scalp while others traded Dow Jones. When the market started, we observed closely first before taking a position. The Dow Jones climbed higher and higher and suddenly, there was a crack in the 5 minute chart. Everyone was listening to my game and when the moment it was about to tank, we shorted, exactly after we shorted, in 10 minutes later, we saw profits. Soon, we moved on to other stocks and also profited from there. Overall, it was a good day and looking forward to train and get more traders under my belt. Watch the full video.
The STI market looks mix today without much stocks moving. Maybe look at those oil related counters as Ausgroup dominated the top volume. Other than that, it's quite boring to trade at the moment for the Singapore stocks.
Ronald K - Market Psychologist - A Stock Market Opportunist