First off, the market had a large sell off last evening which was terrified and causing many retailers to dump their long term holdings. It was one of the worst start in the stock market history and we are entering a new millennium with a new wave of investors and traders consistently increasing the volume of trading activities. We are no more 1997, or 2003 or 2008. We are now 2016 entering the Y generation of new chapter, new history. Studying how the market sold off last night, coming Monday, many stock would gap down and I don't think it's a wise thing to chase and short with the big mass. The market would first gap down, followed by more sellers and then a short rebound. As for how strong/weak the rebound is, I have to watch in the 5 min chart for clues and signs of hidden buying before determining and concluding.
On another hand, I had created successful traders and over the course of last year as I had been giving very good calls and most of them made $$. Here, I am pleased to announce that my Stock Operation Course for April is selling out soon with limited seats left. It's January now and both my Jan and March course are fully sold out which now left about 4 seats for April course before the next course I may conduct in June. The waiting list is long as good things have to wait and appreciate just like wine. I received more emails yesterday on signing my course and for those who are interested, you can email me at with your name and contact number. Once you made full payment, your seat is confirmed and booked. Here, I would like thanks all participants for signing up my course. I know the waiting time is long but I guarantee you won't regret when I shared my secrets. Thank YOU!
Ronald K - Market Psychologist - A Stock Market Opportunist