Conducted a private event last evening where I shared the current market outlook, the week in review for stocks like Sembmarine, DBS, OCBC, what stocks to watch out for and what's the best strategy for trading the market now due to the market conditions. The market has big spikes and big transactions which is so volatile that makes trading exciting yet creating a lot more opportunities for zipping in/out in the short term for fast $ at the shortest time frame with good returns. Yesterday I also shared the 1 lot markers on some stocks on how to decipher it correctly so as not to get tricked and played out. As I was about to end the event, someone asked me about the Dow Jones outlook and my answer was the Dow was going to turn green and UP.

The next thing I knew was some of them took actions, traded based on my outlook and made some really good $$ in the night before sleeping. I am really pleased and impressed to see them taking actions and making $ especially after a long sharing session. $1435 a night before sleeping is definitely something everyone don't mind doing it when I already could predict the Dow movements before it started trading yesterday. Congrats on your Netflix profits!
Ronald K -
Market Psychologist -
A Stock Market Opportunist