Monday, April 27, 2015

Vard - Cut Small Loss, Recovered Back with $$

One more time, we managed to get the job done and book profits at Vard, this time round, at the peak when the market was opened earlier at 9:05am. Attached above is the trade records for our trades and more to come soon. Today is a tough day and I believe staying out is the best option to avoid suffering of capital gains.

While Vard appears in the Top Volume with price gap up to trick retailers into going long, I believe the best option is to understand the maneuvers and modus operandi of the operators before taking unnecessary actions. While we cut a small loss the other day on Vard, we managed to get our revenge and made back more than we lost. :) Never let a small or first loss dampen your fighting spirit, never quit and never say die!

Ronald K - Market Psychologist - The Big Speculator