Monday, March 11, 2019

A Stock Event - How to Catch Explosive Stock Movements

I had a lot of requests from emails wanting me to do a talk on how to catch explosive stock movements and how to select good stocks for trading in/out. After a contemplating, I decided to conduct an event for this since I am quite busy with my recent flights and work schedule. I must say, it's not always possible for me to catch explosive movements since some days when I thought the chart was beautiful but the stock just doesn't want like Thomson Medical but most of them time, stocks have certain traits which warrants explosive moves just like Hi-P where there must be a wall first followed by some flushes before the big movements will come.

Study the Hi-P and AEM chart, you will see nice chart setups of collections and mini flushes before stock moves. So if you are interested to find out more and see how you can learn a strategy to spot these explosive moves, do join me on March 26th where I will be revealing for the first time on how it works. Click and register on the button below.

Eventbrite - Register for a talk on catching Explosive Moves

Ronald K - Market Psychologist - A Stock Market Opportunist