Monday, March 11, 2019

Hi-P - A Morning Run 8%

Hi-P just continued to run higher with more buyers even though the market was down. From morning 1.55 to a high of 1.68, the stock just came from 0 to the Top Volume with rising price as I believe some major announcement is releasing soon. The daily chart was beautiful for a setup while the minute chart as some moving ranges where the breakout happened. Many tech stocks followed Hi-P but their runs were not as powerful as Hi-P. The market is not yet stable and hence when I saw Hi-P ran, I was very surprised since until now, there was still no news on why Hi-P ran from $1.0 to $1.69. I will be conducting a talk on how to catch explosive moves, so if you are interested, do register below.

Eventbrite - Register for a talk on catching Explosive Moves

Ronald K - Market Psychologist - A Stock Market Opportunist