Friday, October 18, 2019

A Night Session with Ron K - The Singapore Market Update

Finished a session last evening where I gave an update on the Singapore market and what stocks to look out for. It was a lot of people where I shared some of the key learning points and gave some pointers for trading next week. Here, I want to thank everyone for coming and hope to see you guys soon again. Thereafter, I went to shoot a video on what am I trading now and what to look out for in the US Market.

In the video, I shared some of the indices I am trading now and what to look out for during the month of Oct especially when the trade war is still lingering. I got my guy Shallum to share more on how he made $$ and what is the US Market going to happen soon. Watch the full video and if you want to come under my tutelage, please send me an email to

Ronald K - Market Psychologist - A Stock Market Opportunist