Discovered Sembcorp Ind wb and the stock suddenly stopped moving. Hence, we took a short sell there and slowly by slowly the stock could not climb and started to gap down today. Many of us locked in profits when the stock gap down earlier in the morning while the beautiful part was I got the direction correct overnight when everyone was very bullish on the STI last Friday. To win the game, you have to be contrary when everyone is excited and bullish on the market. See the STI daily chart, everytime it broke out, it's selling down the next day so the morale of the story is never ever buy on breakouts!
I am particularly impressed with Kris record as he's a super trader with an impressive winning trade and streak. His losses were small, wins were not big but pretty consistent. I am building more and more individuals to be independent and hungry to win the stock market. Are you one of them?
Ronald K - Market Psychologist - A Stock Market Opportunist