Sembmarine is a stock that I had been watching for the longest time. It's a stock which I traded the biggest and also made some good $$ out of it. Hence, I know the behavior of this counter very well. Everything it break out, it's a signal to sell this counter and everytime there is a break out, it could be some good news in the making but this good news is more than often waned off thereafter by sellers. Take a look at the 5 minute chart, everytime there was wave of buyers flock in, the sellers emerged quickly to sell their shares. The problem with this counter is there isn't scripts to short this counter or I would have done it.

The Top Volume has also been flashing Sembcorp Marine today. It seldom appears there but recently it's there which could signal some volatile movements to come. Use the Top Volume to aid you in your watching and pick out good stocks based on the appearance and the de-appearance of the Top Volume. I can only hope one fine day, the news would be good and sustainable. Let's see if such days happen for Sembcorp Marine.
Ronald K -
Market Psychologist -
A Stock Market Opportunist