Monday, August 19, 2019

Yangzijiang - The Stock I Shared During InvestFair

Yes I have sold my Yzj shares last Friday and today it trended higher again. In fact, during investfair last 2 days, I shared with everyone that I was going to trade Yzj today as the stock had a little more buying strength. Today, the stock from opening 1.02 moved higher to 1.06 as of now with some small movements.

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So if you came to Invesfair these 2 days, you would have know that I was trading Yzj and gave a hot tip on how to spot the movements before today's run up. As of now, you can see that the stock was moving higher towards 1.07/1.08 and I am looking to lock in profits now. Congrats to all who came to my booth these past 2 days and looking forward to see you all this week again.

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Update: 10.55am, Aug 19th 2019

As highlighted and alerted earlier to lock in profits for Yzj, the stock dropped pips now to 1.04. Can you see how accurately and timely the call was?

Ronald K - Market Psychologist - A Stock Market Opportunist